5500km North to South of Vietnam

5500km North to South of Vietnam

4 of our customers videoed there trip through Vietnam on our motorbikes. It was 5500km all over Vietnam, starting in Hanoi and finishing in HCM. They cover all the main stops in Vietnam and plenty of interesting things while on the bike (and off it) You can find the...
Two on a Journey – Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos

Two on a Journey – Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos

1 bike, 2 people, 3 countries and 2.5 months to do it all. This is the adventure 2 of our customers, Irene and Dominique, well at least the part on our bike. They are traveling a lot than this but this is where we met them and their section on a bike began. Starting...
Custom Bikes

Custom Bikes

When we get chance and we have a customer who wants something special then we love doing some custom work on a bike. It might be something simple likeĀ aesthetic with just a new tank, seat or handlebars to change the look but sometimes we get to redo so much of the...
Motorbike Safety Gear in Vietnam

Motorbike Safety Gear in Vietnam

In Vietnam many people ride motorbikes without proper motorbike safety gear to the point where new riders think that this is normal yet you wouldn’t ride back home like this so why would you do it here? No one needs to be told the dangers involved in riding a...